Boomerang PetCare .com

A website for a training/consultation business in Deerfield, WI

This website was my first project back in the beginning of my program at Madison College. I was just getting used to writing CSS and JavaScript and was excited to apply my new skills to a project. I needed to have a contact form for this website even though it is completely static. I ended up using FormSpree, a third party service, to send my emails for me. I used Bootstrap to make the website responsive, and wrote JavaScript code with event listeners and DOM manipulation for the functionality of the mobile menu.


  • Responsive
  • Accessible
  • Compact Mobile Hamburger Menu
  • Contact Form
  • JavaScript Event Listeners


  • JavaScript
  • Bootstrap

Key Challenges

  1. Contact Form in a Static Site
  2. Responsive Navigation


  1. The contact form submits to Form Spree, which sends the email with the user's address
  2. I wrote custom JavaScript for hamburger menu functionality

Let's chat.

Let's talk about how my skills can bring value to your company.
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